

Welcome to the Matter Handbook. This handbook is here to help make building and shipping devices with Matter easier by providing answers to common questions. Inside, you’ll find information on everything from getting started with the Working Groups, the basics of Matter, navigating the SDK, and more.

In the spirit of openness, we’ve tried to capture as much information here as possible. That includes links to resources that are only available to members of the Connectivity Standards Alliance. If you’re not a member and you find yourself clicking through to many of those password-protected areas, we encourage you to consider joining the Alliance to work with us there. If you’re a member of the media and have more questions, we encourage you to take a look at our Newsroom or reach out to

This handbook is compiled from contributions from our member volunteers as a guide and educational resource. In the case that there is a discrepancy between this handbook and the Matter specification, SDK, or Connectivity Standards Alliance policy, those formal documents are the source of truth. But please let us know! If you have suggestions, edits, or comments, either raise an issue or submit a PR on the GitHub Repository.