Glossary & Acronym Decoder

ACLAccess Control List. This is a list of entries in the Access Control cluster that grant access privileges to device and groups
adocThe filename suffix for asciidoc, which is the markup language we use to write the specification and test plans. asciidoc
AllianceRefers to the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA)
asciidocMarkup language we use to write the specification and test plans. asciidoc
AoEAnywhere on Earth. This acronym is commonly used when discussing deadlines to clarify the exact end time.
ATLAuthorized Test Laboratory. ATLs run the tests required to certify devices.
CausewaySite used to store documents and calendars and track group memberships etc.
CASECertificate Authenticated Session Establishment. This is the session establishment mechanism used during normal Matter operations
CDCertification Declaration - this declaration is provided by devices to prove they have passed certification
CHIPMatter used to be called Project CHIP (Connected Home over IP) before it got its current name. Much of the SDK still uses that prefix.
CSAConnectivity Standards Alliance - the member-driven organization that manages the Matter standard
CSGCertification Sub Group CSG
DACDevice Attestation Certificates. See Attestation
DMData Model. The data model describes the organization of data within a cluster. DM is sometimes also used to refer to the DMTT.
DMTTData Model Tiger Team.
DNS-SDDomain name service (DNS) service discovery. This is the mechanism used to locate Matter devices on the IP network
DRLCDemand Response Load Control
EVSEElectric Vehicle Supply Equipment
ICACIntermediate Certificate Authority Certificate See Operational Credentials
ICDIntermittently Connected Devices. These device can sleep for relatively long periods and will be unreachable over Matter during these times.
mDNSMulticast DNS - the mechanism used to perform DNS-SD over Wi-Fi
MPSGMarketing and Product Sub Group MPSG
NOCNode operational certificate. See Operational Credentials
NOSCRNode Operational Certificate Signing Request. See Attestation
PAAProduct Attestation Authority. Root certificate for device attestation. See Attestation
PAIProduct attestation intermediate - Intermediate certificate for device attestation. See Attestation
PASEPassword Authenticated Session Establishment. This is the session establishment mechanism used to commission devices.
PICSProtocol Implementation Conformance Statement. PICS are also used to determine testing requirements for certification
PIDProduct identifier
PIXITProtocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing. These are configuration values provided to certification tests.
RCACRoot Certificate Authority Certificate. See Operational Credentials
SDKSoftware development kit - a software package implementing the specification [github] (
specShort for specification. [github] (
SRPService Registration Protocol. This is the mechanism used to register thread devices for DNS-SD. Border routers implement this protocol to allow Thread device discovery.
SVESpecification Validation Event - this follows the test events and acts as the final check on the certification package for a release.
SWTTSoftware development tiger team. This is the group of people working on the SDK.
TETest Event. These events are held during development to verify that test scripts and SDK development are on track.
TSGTechnical Sub Group TSG
TTTiger team - a small group focused on one activity or feature.
VIDVendor identifier
WGWork Group. Matter is a working group in the CSA.